Barnabas Medicine Box Project
Children often die due to conditions that are preventable or easily treatable such as diarrhea and pneumonia. Quite often, these illnesses can be cured with simple, affordable medications.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Friends of Barnabas had to temporarily suspend Mountain Medical Teams, which normally delivery medical care to 20-30 Partner Communities. To provide a stopgap in these communities until medical providers could safely return, the Barnabas Medicine Box Project was developed. Children often die due to conditions that are preventable or easily treatable such as diarrhea and pneumonia. Quite often, these illnesses can be cured with simple, affordable medications.
The purpose of the Project was to eliminate unnecessary suffering by providing free medication, training, and consultations through FOB-trained Health Volunteers.
The Health Volunteers had previously received training in basic first aid and self-care support and were given regular guidance via phone, text, and in-person visits from FOB medical professionals.