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Roads….where we’re going, we don’t need roads.

Monday, September 19, 2022 Roads….where we’re going, we don’t need roads. -Back to the Future I think Doc may have been secretly referring to the route taken to Buena Vista de Rio Bonito since the word “road” should be taken very, very loosely. Lucky for us, our bus driver, Giovanny did a rockstar job and … Read more

Team Chatham is in Honduras this week!

Team Chatham is in Honduras this week! After all being up since the wee morning hours to travel to Honduras, we slept ALL the hours and woke up this morning refreshed and ready for some adventure! The team headed to Pulhapanzek falls where Steve, Christina, Linda, and Kim all leaped into the air and zipped … Read more

A Week in Pictures

Friday, August 12, 2022 Today was supposed to be our final clinic day. We were headed to La Pimienta, San Jose, Comayagua. However, after being on the road for just a short while, the bus began having some mechanical issues, so we had to turn around and head back to the Friends of Barnabas compound. … Read more

First time visit to Agua Salada

Thursday, August 11, 2022 For our fourth day of clinic, we visited Agua Salada, our second new Friends of Barnabas community this week. It was the most interesting journey so far. The school where we set up is very high atop a mountain. We realized that our bus, carrying more than 20 passengers and heavy … Read more

First Visit to Plan Grande

Wednesday, August 10, 2022 It was an exciting day as we visited a brand-new location in the Community Development Program. This was the first visit by a Medical Mountain Team to Plan Grande, Santa Cruz de Yojoa, Cortes, a community made up of 120 families with 755 residents. It’s always incredible to see how the … Read more

En Sus Pasos Serves El Chaguiton

Tuesday, August 9, 2022 “I arise today through the strength of heaven. . . I arise today through God’s strength to pilot me. God’s eye to look before me; God’s wisdom to guide me; God’s way to lie before me; God’s shield to protect me. . .Christ with me; Christ before me; Christ behind me; … Read more

Agua Blanquita Graduates

Monday, August 8, 2022 Team En Sus Pasos began clinics today. The first visit of the week was to the Agua Blanquita, Santa Rita, Yoro community, home to approximately 720 residents and 90 families. As is usually the case, we set up the clinics in the community school – which has a kindergarten class of … Read more

Serving our Neighbors

Tuesday, October 18, 2022 Each of us on the Harrisonburg team has our own way to jumpstart the day – a cup of coffee, a glimpse of the sunrise, a text to a loved one, or a few minutes of extra sleep. A clinic day behind us, we have had an opportunity to debrief. So, … Read more