Rockbridge’s Final Day of Clinics
Friday, June 25th, 2022

El Hobo. The last village for the week. I’m still unable to believe that this is our last day here at the Alfredo House and visiting villages in the mountains of Honduras. After a short drive passing several fresh pineapple stands and elaborate chicken farms, we arrived at out last beautiful village. El Obo was lower in elevation compared to the other villages our team visited this week. The one room school house was nestled in a shady grove of Acacia trees, wild cilantro plants, and many, many ant hills. The team began setting up the tables and chairs, bagging and pouring batches of medications…everyone a bit somber as we realized this was the very last time we would all be working together.
The patients from the village of El Obo were relatively healthy compared to many of the villages we visited this week; they are due to graduate from the Friends of Barnabas program at the end of this year. My favorite patient of the day was an eleven year old girl named Flur. She and her little brother were very healthy, requiring only vitamins and some nutritional teaching. She was very interested in everything I had to say to her dad, and as I was taking his blood pressure, she assisted me in holding the cuff and the stethoscope. Her father smiled as he told me that she wants to be a doctor when she grows up. I decided to give her my stethoscope so she could practice to be a doctor one day. I will never forget beautiful Flur’s hug and smile when I handed her the stethoscope.
When we got back to the Alfredo House, Lidia gave the team a tour of the grounds. She lovingly explained every room, every flower of the facility…the memories, the history. It was a special moment during the day.
I’m so not ready to leave my Honduran teammates. I wasn’t ready to leave my sweet translator who hung in with me this whole week. He helped me so very much as this was my first time volunteering with Friends of Barnabas. So grateful and blessed by my friend Joel.
I’m not ready to leave my American teammates. Jan has been my exercise and vibe inspiration; Erica, my calm and fearless leader; Lauren, my sassy mask stylist; Doris, the missionary I want to be when I grow up; Rupa, my kick-butt, tough girl inspiration; Paula, my own personal book of wisdom/encyclopedia; Joan, my entertainer and eye twin; and Leah, my beautiful roommate and personal hair stylist. An all girl team. So incredible, beautiful and smart…every last one. I’m forever blessed to know you.
I will miss these people, this team, this simple and beautiful way of life.
But, in the words of Erica, the incredible leader of our team, this is just the beginning….the work will go on and we’ll be back 🙂