Mountain Medical Teams
Communities receive general health care from medical teams twice a year, including general checkups, vision, and dental care, vitamin distribution, fluoride, and anti-parasite treatments, and referrals to other FOB services.
“It was almost as if the day-to-day living and managing during a pandemic required that we narrow our world view. Through this week our eyes have been re-opened, our vision has increased and our desire to serve is rekindled. We want to thank Friends of Barnabas for rekindling a sense of purpose which we had realized had been sleeping.”
– Joe & Debbie Stegman

Volunteer Resources
Team members, please make travel payments by check or by credit card through our website (please include the processing fee for credit card payments)
Contact Katie Lough for general information if you are interested in serving on a team.
Email: katie@fobf.org
Phone: (804) 744-5624